Kumpulan Skema
1. Gambar Skema Rangkaian Alarm Mobil .
Salah satu jenis alarm yang sudah banyak digunakan saat ini adalah alarm
mobil. Rangkaian alarm mobil sangat dibutuhkan tentunya jika anda ingin
membuat alarm mobil sendiri. Lihat gambar rangkaian alarm mobil dibawah
Gambar Skema Rangkaian Alarm Mobil Elektronik:
Skema Rangkaian Alarm Mobil
This FM radio-controlled anti- theft alarm can be
used with any vehicle having 6- to 12-volt DC supply system. The mini
VHF, FM transmitter is fitted in the vehicle at night when it is parked
in the car porch or car park.
The receiver unit with CXA1019, a single IC-based
FM radio module, which is freely available in the market at reasonable
rate, is kept inside. Receiver is tuned to the transmitter's frequency.
When the transmitter is on and the signals are being received by FM
radio receiver, no hissing noise is available at the output of receiver.
Thus transistor T2 (BC548) does not conduct. This results in the relay
driver transistor T3 getting its forward base bias via 10k resistor R5
and the relay gets energised.
When an intruder tries to drive the car and takes
it a few metres away from the car porch, the radio link between the car
(transmitter) and alarm (receiver) is broken. As a result FM radio
module gene-rates hissing noise. Hissing AC signals are coupled to relay
switching circ- uit via audio transformer. These AC signals are
rectified and filtered by diode D1 and capacitor C8, and the resulting
positive DC voltage provides a forward bias to transistor T2. Thus
transistor T2 conducts, and it pulls the base of relay driver transistor
T3 to ground level. The relay thus gets de-activated and the alarm
connected via N/C contacts of relay is switched on.
If, by chance, the intruder finds out about the
wireless alarm and disconnects the transmitter from battery, still
remote alarm remains activated because in the absence of signal, the
receiver continues to produce hissing noise at its output. So the
burglar alarm is fool-proof and highly reliable.
2. Skema Rangkaian Lampu LED Berjalan .
Buat anda yang lagi nyari skema rangkaian, silahkan lihat skema rangkaian LED berjalan dibawah ini:
Components list:
R1_____________10K 1/4W Resistor
R2,R3__________47K 1/4W Resistors
R4______________1K 1/4W Resistor
R5,R6,R7______100K 1/4W Resistors
R8____________820R 1/4W Resistor
C1,C3_________100nF 63V Ceramic or Polyester Capacitors
C2_____________10΅F 50V Electrolytic Capacitor
C4____________330nF 63V Polyester Capacitor (See Notes)
C5____________100΅F 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
D1___________1N4148 75V 150mA Diode
D2-D11_________5 or 3mm. LEDs (any type and color)
IC1___________LM358 Low Power Dual Op-amp
IC2____________4017 Decade counter with 10 decoded outputs IC
M1_____________Miniature electret microphone
SW1____________SPST miniature Slider Switch
B1_______________9V PP3 Battery
Clip for PP3 Battery
Additional circuit parts (see Notes):
R9,R10_________10K 1/4W Resistors
R11____________56R 1/4W Resistor
D12,D13 etc.____5 or 3mm. LEDs (any type and color)
Q1,Q2_________BC327 45V 800mA PNP Transistors
Q3____________BC337 45V 800mA NPN Transistor.
Seringkali air di penampungan di rumah kita selalu tumpah saat penampungan penuh.Lebih parah lagi kita lupa dan ditinggal begitu aja,alhasil air tumpah kemana-kemana.Saya pernah mengalami sampai air sumur saya habis,maklum saya tinggal diperumahan yang sumurnya asal ada,perumahan sekarang ya....gitu dech........
Sampai akhirnya saya memutar otak (asal jangan kepala kepala ikut muter) membuat alat pendeteksi tinggi rendahnya air.Inilah gambar rangkaian dan cara kerjanya :
Daftar komponen :
R1 = 100K C1,2 = 47n
R2 = 5K6 C3 = 220mf/25v
R3 = 680 Tr1,2,4,7,8 = FCS9012
R4 = 10 Tr3,5,6 = FCS9013
R5 = 1K D1-5 = IN4002
R6 = 270 Trafo 12v 350ma
R7 = 47K ab = PLN
R8 = 47K cd = Pompa Air
R9 = 100K
Relay = 12v DC
ABC = sensor (dari besi, stainlis atau lainnya)
C1,2 = 47n
C3 = 220mf/25v
Tr1,2,4,7,8 = FCS9012
Tr3,5,6 = FCS9013
D1-5 = IN4002
Trafo 12v 350ma
ab = PLN (input 220v AC)
cd = Pompa air
Cara kerja :
Misalkan kita menghendaki tinggi air dalam tangki tidak lebih tinggi dari titik A dan tidak lebih rendah dari titik B pompa air akan hidup sendiri dan bila menyentuh titik A pompa akan mati.
A=batas atas permukaan air yang dikehendaki
B=batas bawah air yang dikendaki
C=adalah kawat/kabel yang harus selalu menyentuh air di tempelkan ke badan tangki(kalu logam)
Akhirnya tangki air ga tumapah lagi.......
Keterangan :
Skema ini cara kerjanya sama dengan yang di atas (Versi lain)
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan jangan lupa komentarnya.
Gambar skema rangkaian :
Daftar Komponen :
R1 = 10K
R2 = 680 ohm 1/4watt
R3 = 1oo ohm 1/4watt
D1 = IN4001
P1 = potensio lineir
C1 = 0,01mf
Tr1 = UJT2646
Tr2 = BC548
Ls = tweeter
Cara kerja :
Biasanya yang sering mengigit itu adalah nyamuk betina sedangkan nyamuk betina tidak senang kalau didekati oleh nyamuk jantan.Rangkaian ini menghasilkan frekuensi tinggi suaranya menyerupai suara nyamuk jantan.Oleh karena itu nyamuk betina akan pergi.
(mudah2an aja nyamuk jantannya ga gigit setelah ditinggal nyamuk betina he.....he.....he........)Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan jangan lupa komentarnya.
Seringkali air di penampungan di rumah kita selalu tumpah saat penampungan penuh.Lebih parah lagi kita lupa dan ditinggal begitu aja,alhasil air tumpah kemana-kemana.Saya pernah mengalami sampai air sumur saya habis,maklum saya tinggal diperumahan yang sumurnya asal ada,perumahan sekarang ya....gitu dech........
Sampai akhirnya saya memutar otak (asal jangan kepala kepala ikut muter) membuat alat pendeteksi tinggi rendahnya air.Inilah gambar rangkaian dan cara kerjanya :
Daftar komponen :
R1 = 100K C1,2 = 47n
R2 = 5K6 C3 = 220mf/25v
R3 = 680 Tr1,2,4,7,8 = FCS9012
R4 = 10 Tr3,5,6 = FCS9013
R5 = 1K D1-5 = IN4002
R6 = 270 Trafo 12v 350ma
R7 = 47K ab = PLN
R8 = 47K cd = Pompa Air
R9 = 100K
Relay = 12v DC
ABC = sensor (dari besi, stainlis atau lainnya)
C1,2 = 47n
C3 = 220mf/25v
Tr1,2,4,7,8 = FCS9012
Tr3,5,6 = FCS9013
D1-5 = IN4002
Trafo 12v 350ma
ab = PLN (input 220v AC)
cd = Pompa air
Cara kerja :
Misalkan kita menghendaki tinggi air dalam tangki tidak lebih tinggi dari titik A dan tidak lebih rendah dari titik B pompa air akan hidup sendiri dan bila menyentuh titik A pompa akan mati.
A=batas atas permukaan air yang dikehendaki
B=batas bawah air yang dikendaki
C=adalah kawat/kabel yang harus selalu menyentuh air di tempelkan ke badan tangki(kalu logam)
Akhirnya tangki air ga tumapah lagi.......
Keterangan :
Skema ini cara kerjanya sama dengan yang di atas (Versi lain)
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan jangan lupa komentarnya.
Gambar skema rangkaian :
Daftar Komponen :
R1 = 10K
R2 = 680 ohm 1/4watt
R3 = 1oo ohm 1/4watt
D1 = IN4001
P1 = potensio lineir
C1 = 0,01mf
Tr1 = UJT2646
Tr2 = BC548
Ls = tweeter
Cara kerja :
Biasanya yang sering mengigit itu adalah nyamuk betina sedangkan nyamuk betina tidak senang kalau didekati oleh nyamuk jantan.Rangkaian ini menghasilkan frekuensi tinggi suaranya menyerupai suara nyamuk jantan.Oleh karena itu nyamuk betina akan pergi.
(mudah2an aja nyamuk jantannya ga gigit setelah ditinggal nyamuk betina he.....he.....he........)Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan jangan lupa komentarnya.
Gambar dan skema Rangkaian :
Cara kerja rangkaian :
Alat ini akan menghsilkan suara yang berkesinambungan,sehingga kita akan monoton mendengarnya sampai akhirnya kita tertidur.
Untuk komponennya klik pada gambar.
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan jangan lupa komentarnya.
Gambar dan skema Rangkaian :
Cara kerja rangkaian :
Sensor dipasang ditempat yang terkena hujan dengan dua buah kabel.Dibuat kepingan logam dengan jarak 2mm dan dilapisi kain.Apabila sensor terkena hujan rangkaian akan mengeluarkan suara.Rangkaian ini dapat diaplikasikan lain,misal di sambung dengan rangkaian lain.
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan jangan lupa komentarnya.
Gambar dan skema rangkaian :
Daftar Komponen :
D1-4 = IN4002
C1-2 = 100mf/25v
R1 = 560 ohm
Tr = 2SB178
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan jangan lupa komentarnya.
Gambar dan rangkaian:
Daftar Komponen :
T = Trafo 250/500ma
Dt= Diode yang di tes
D1-2 = In4002
L1-2 = Lampu indikator/pilot lamp 6v/50ma
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan jangan lupa komentarnya.
Gambar dan rangkaian :
Daftar komponen :
Daftar komponen klik pada skema masing-masing rangkaian.
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan jangan lupa komentarnya.
Gambar dan skema rangkaian:
Daftar komponen :
AB = saklar push on
Sw1= saklar
Sw2= saklar relay
L = lampu indikator
Bila A dan B bersentuhan sebentar saja,maka relay bekerja dan menarik Sw1,karena Sw2 dalam posisi on,maka relay akan tetap bekerja sehingga lampu akan menyala terus walaupun A dan B tidak bersentuhan lagi.Lampu dapat diganti dengan sirene.
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan jangan lupa komentarnya.
Gambar dan rangkaian:
Carakerja rangkaian:
Bila lampu pada rangkaian menyala maka sinar lampu akan mengenai LDR,maka rangkaian sirene akan berbunyi.Keras tidaknya sirene tergantung terang tidaknya sinar lampu.
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan jangan lupa komentarnya.
Gambar dan skema rangkaian:
Daftar komponen klik pada gambar,untuk EP= koptelepon Z2000 dan ferrit untuk MW,satu set antena dipasang memanjang seperti kabel listrik,untuk IN60 adalah jenis germanium.
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan jangan lupa komentarnya.
Bagi para pemula yang hoby elektronik seperti saya ini terkadang bingung dalam menentukan jenis transistor,PNP atau NPN.Jangan
khawatir saya akan coba memberi solusinya.Agar ga ! bingung dalam
menentukan Transistor coba kita buat rangkaian elektronika sederhana
namun memudahkan kita dalam membuat rangkaian dengan hanya melihat
secara visual.
Dengan mengetahui jenis transistor kita akan lebih mudah dalam menentukan kaki dari transistor E(emiter),B(basis) dan C (colektor).
Dengan rangkaian ini juga kita dapat mengetahui bahan dari transistor tersebut,Silicon atau Germanium.
Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan perhatikan gambar rangkaian dan keterangan gambar.
Kristal,bagi temen yang suka membuat pemancar mungkin ga asing dan
mungkin sangat dibutuhkan,tapi bagaimana kalau kristal tersebut
rusak,tentunya pusing 7 keliling karena pemancar yang kita buat tentu ga
bisa didengar oleh orang lain.
Mungkin anda bingung bagaimana cara mengetahui kristal ini rusak apa ga?
Rangkaian elektronika sederhana ini yang anda butuhkan,mudah murah dan praktis.
Anda mau coba ? Silahkan perhatikan gambar dan keterangan gambar.
16. Pengatur Lampu Pijar
Terkadang pada saat kita ingin tidur,ingin sekali suasana kamar sahdu
dengan sinaran lampu yang temaram,tidurpun akan tersa nyaman tentunya.
Kalau lampu dimatikan,kamar akan gelap ,pengap dan nyamukpun akan ikut tidur bersama kita.
Pada postingan kali ini saya akan memberikan suasana sinar lampu yang
akan berbeda karena sinar lampu dapat kita terang dan redupkan sesuai
dengan keinginan kita (kaya lampu tempel zaman dulu gitu loh....).
Mudah2an suasana hati anda akan redup pula disaat sinar lampu anda redupkan dan tidur andapun akan terasa lebih nikmat.
Silahkan perhatikan gambar rangkaian berikut :
Keterangan : Lampu dapat dikecil dan dibesarkan dengan memutar VR pada rangkaian.
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat dan jangan lupa komentarnya!
17. Rangkaian Suara Burung
Buat anda yang suka akan kicauan suara burung tapi gak mau ribet
ngurusin,bersihkan kandang ga mau kasih makan apalagi tertular
Nah ini solusinya buat yang seperti anda.Hanya bermodal sedikit dan kemauan hal itu akan terpenuhi.
Dengan rangkaian ini anda akan mendengarkan kicauan burung tanpa ada matinya.
Perhatikan gambar rangkaian berikut :
This is a running message display circuit wherein the letters formed by the LED arrangement light up progressively. Once all the letters of the message have been lit up, the circuit gets reset.
The circuit is built CD4017BC counter menggukan decades. One of the CD4017BE's features is its provision of ten fully Decoded outputs, making the IC ideal for use in a whole range of sequencing operations. In the circuit only one of the outputs remains high and the other outputs switch to high state successively on the arrival of each clock pulse. The timer NE555 is wired as a 1HZ astable multivibrator which clocks the IC2 for sequencing operations. On reset, output pin 3 goes high and drives transistor T7 to 'on' state. The output of transistor T7 is connected to letter 'W' of the LED word array and thus letter 'W' is illuminated.
Skema rangkaian teks|huruf berjalan sederhana
On arrival of first clock pulse, pin 3 goes low and pin 2 goes high. Transistors T6 Conducts and letter 'E' lights up. The preceding letter 'W' also remains lighted because of forward biasing of transistor T7 via diode D21. In a similar fashion, on the arrival of each successive pulse, the other letters of the display are also illuminated and finally the complete word becomes visible.
On the following clock pulse, pin 6 goes to logic 1 and resets the circuit, and the sequence repeats itself. The frequency of sequencing operations is control led with the help of potmeter VR1. The display can be fixed on a veroboard of suitable size and connected to ground of a common supply (of 6V to 9V) while the anodes of LEDs are to be connected to emitters of transistors T1 through T7 as shown in the circuit. The above circuit is very versatile and can be wired with a large number of LEDs to make an LED fashion jewelery of any design. With two circuits connected in a similar fashion, multiplexing of LEDs can be done to give a moving display effect
19. Rangkaian RTC Berbasis AT89C4051
This is a circuit diagram for the digital clock. Port 1 of the controller (AT89C4051) is Used as the data lines for the 20 x 4 lines LCD display.
The source code for the project is written in C-language, and compiled
using Keil C compiler, Can you download the c-code, schematic, and if
you do not have a cross compiler then you burn the cans directly on to
the HEX file your chips here
If you think that 'there is a problem in the of availability of the chips mentioned in the schematic, then you cans use AT89C51/AT89C52 Also, make sure That you are using the Same port for the LCD and switches Which are there in the C- files or in the schematic.
in the image above as you cans see the digits are Bigger than the normal size. For this purpose I'm maiking use of the CGRAM of the LCD, Which gives to the user the flexibility to define user defined characters. so to create a character We first need to get the Which values are to be written into the CGRAM area. The CGRAM area starts from address 0x40 and for Every character Which there are eight locations are to be written.
Figure below shows the custom character creation. so Pls We get the values for all the pixels. These values We write to the CGRAM. The Digits 0-9 Can be created with the help of eight custom characters and Standard and Poor.
in the image above as you cans see the digits are Bigger than the normal size. For this purpose I'm maiking use of the CGRAM of the LCD, Which gives to the user the flexibility to define user defined characters. so to create a character We first need to get the Which values are to be written into the CGRAM area. The CGRAM area starts from address 0x40 and for Every character Which there are eight locations are to be written.
Figure below shows the custom character creation. so Pls We get the values for all the pixels. These values We write to the CGRAM. The Digits 0-9 Can be created with the help of eight custom characters and Standard and Poor.
20. UM3561 - Simple Sound Effects Generator Circuit.
This is a very simple. The IC UM3561 produces four differen sound
effects, the output at Pin 3 being amplified by the transistor 2N2222. A
64 ohm loudspeaker can be substituted in place of the 56 ohm resistor
and 8 ohm loudspeaker.
The 2 pole 4 way switch controls the sound effects. Position 1 (as
drawn) being a Police siren, position 2 is a fire engine sound, 3 is an
ambulance and position 4 is a machine gun effect.
21. Rangkaian Motorcycle Alarm
This circuit features an intermittent siren output and automatic reset.
It can be operated manually using a key-switch or a hidden switch; but
it can also be wired to set itself automatically when you turn-off the
ignition. By adding external relays you can immobilize the bike, flash
the lights etc. I have used Andy's Asymmetric Timer as the basis for
this design.
Any number of normally-open switches may be used. Fit "tilt" switches
that close when the steering is moved or when the bike is lifted off its
side-stand or pushed forward off its centre-stand. Use micro-switches
to protect removable panels and the lids of panniers etc.
The alarm's
standby current is virtually zero - so it won't drain your battery.
Once activated - the rate at which the siren switches on and off is
controlled by R7, R8 & C4. For example, increasing R7 will make the
sound period longer - while increasing R8 gives longer silent periods.
The circuit is designed to use an electronic Siren drawing 300 to 400mA.
It's not usually a good idea to use the bike's own Horn because it can
be easily located and disconnected. However - if you choose to use the
Horn - remember that the alarm
relay is too small to carry the necessary current. Connect the coil of a
suitably rated relay to the "Siren" output. This can then be used to
sound the Horn, flash the lights etc.
The circuit board and switches must be protected from the elements.
Dampness or condensation will cause malfunction. Connect a 1-amp in-line
fuse AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE to your power source. This is VERY IMPORTANT.
The fuse is there to protect the wiring - not the alarm. Exactly how
the system is fitted will depend on the make of your particular machine -
so I'm unable to provide any further help or advice in this regard.
When you set the alarm - if one of the switches is closed - the siren
will sound. This could cause annoyance late at night. A small
modification will allow you to Monitor The State Of The Switches using
LEDs. When the LEDs are all off - the switches are all open - and it's
safe to turn the alarm on
Source: http://www.zen22142.zen
22. ALARM Sirine Berbasis SCR
This is a simple SCR based burglar alarm
circuit. Its features include automatic Exit and Entry delays -
together with a timed Bell cut-off and Reset. It's designed to be used
with the usual types of normally-closed input devices such as -
magnetic-reed contacts - micro switches - foil tape - and PIRs.
Skema rangkaian alarm|sirine
SCR-based alarm circuit is It's easy to use. When you switch on the alarm
- you have about 30 seconds to leave the building. When you return and
open the door - the Buzzer will sound. You have about 30 seconds to
switch off the alarm. If you fail to do so - the Siren will sound.
After about 10 minutes - the alarm
will attempt to reset itself. If the trigger circuit has been restored -
the attempt will be successful. But - if the loop is still open - the
attempt will fail - and the alarm will re-activate. Of course - you can turn the Siren off at any time by switching off the alarm.
A conventional bell uses up to about 400mA. An electronic siren
generally uses less. If you intend to draw a heavier current from either
the Buzzer or Siren terminals - the SCR in question will need to be
bolted to a metal heatsink - and the relay contacts may need upgrading.
If you do not want the timed "cut-off and reset" feature - leave out D5, D6, R11, R12, Q3, Q4, C6 and the relay.
23. Alarm|Sensor Cahaya
This circuit is a loud alarm at the break of the daylight. The 555 timer
IC is Used here. It is working as an astable multivibrator at a
frequency of about 1kHz. This circuit can be used as an anti-burglar
alarm in certain rooms, such as cupboard, cupboard in the open when the
light will hit the circuit, so the alarm will be activated
When no light falls on the LDR, the transistor is pulled high by the variable resistor. Hence the transistor is OFF and the reset pin of the 555 is pulled low. Due the this the 555 is reset. When light falls on the LDR, its resistance decreases and pulls the bases of the transistor low hence turning it ON. This pulls the reset pin 4 of the 555 high and hence enables the 555 oscillator and a sound is Produced by the speakers. The 100K variable resistor has to be adjusted to set the light intensity That triggers the alarm.
When no light falls on the LDR, the transistor is pulled high by the variable resistor. Hence the transistor is OFF and the reset pin of the 555 is pulled low. Due the this the 555 is reset. When light falls on the LDR, its resistance decreases and pulls the bases of the transistor low hence turning it ON. This pulls the reset pin 4 of the 555 high and hence enables the 555 oscillator and a sound is Produced by the speakers. The 100K variable resistor has to be adjusted to set the light intensity That triggers the alarm.
function of each pin:
- Ground, is the input pin of the negative DC voltage source
- Trigger, the lower the negative input comparator (comparator B) that maintain low voltage oscillation capacitor in third Fcc and set RS flip-flop
- Output, the output pin of the IC 555.
- Reset, the pin which serves to reset the latch inside the IC which will affect the work to reset IC. This pin is connected to a PNP-type transistor gate, so the transistor will be active if given a logic low. Normally this pin is connected directly to avoid reset Fcc
- Control Voltage, this pin serves to regulate the stability of the negative reference voltage input (comparator A). This pin can be left hanging, but to ensure the stability of the reference comparator A, usually associated with the order of about 10nF capacitor to pin groun
- Threshold, this pin is connected to the positive input (comparator A) which will reset the RS flip-flop when the voltage on the capacitor started to exceed 2 / 3 Vc
- Discharge, this pin is connected to an open collector transistor Q1 is connected to ground emitternya. Switching transistor serves to clamp the corresponding node to ground at a certain timing
- VCC, this pin to receive a DC voltage supply. Usually will work optimally if given a 5-15V. the current supply can be viewed in a datasheet, which is around 10-15mA.
24. Alarm Kebakaran
This is a simple fire alarm circuit,
which can help the user's color interested against fire accidents based
on a LDR and lamp pairs an alarm for sensing the fire.The works by
sensing the smoke Produced During fire.The circuit produces an audible
alarm the fire breaks Pls out with smoke.
When a number of smoke passes Between a bulb and an LDR, the amount of
light falling on the LDR decreases. This Causes the resistance of the
LDR to Increase and the voltage at the base of the transistor is pulled
high due to Which the supply to the COB (chip-on-board) is completed.
Different cobs are available in the market to generate Different
Musical. The choice of the COB depends on the user. The signal generated
by COB is amplified by an audio amplifier. In this circuit, the audio
power amplifier is wired around TDA2002. The sensitivity of the circuit
depends on the distance Between bulb and LDR as well as the setting of
preset VR1. Thus by placing the bulb and the LDR at appropriate
distances, one May Vary preset VR1 to get optimum sensitivity. An ON /
OFF switch is suggested to turn the circuit on and off as Desirable.
25. Power Amplifier Pemancar FM
Skema Power Amplifier Pemancar FM ini sangat sederhana, namun kualitasnya cukup memuaskan.
A very simple fm power amplifier which can deliver 4W rf power with 12V power supply and BLY87A or KT920A and 20W with BLY89A or KT925B.
If you use BLY87A or KT920A the input power must be 0.5W and 4W if you use BLY89A or KT925B. This fm power amplifier is designed to work on 50 O antennas and a maximum power supply of 14V and in 88 108 MHz band.
Use only metallic trimmers, a good heatsink for the transistor and ceramic capacitors and keep the pins very short.
FM power amplifier circuit components:
C1 = C8 = 10-40pF + 22pF in parallel ||
C2 = 10-70pF + 120pF ||
C3 = 2.2nF
C4 = 33nF
C5 = 4 x 180pF
C6 = 1nF
C7 = 2.2nF
C9 = 10-70pF + 47pF ||
R1 = 380O
R2 = 47O
R3 = 5.6 O
L1 = 3 turns / 0.8mm / 6mm / legth = 8mm
L2 = 6turns / 0.5mm /over R2
L3 = 5 t / 0.6mm / 6mm
L4 = 4 t / 1.2mm / 8mm
T = 4W with BLY87A, KT920A
T = 20W with BLY89A, KT925B
oke deh terimakasih banyak gan, lagi ada tugas buat anak abisnya gue udah 30 tahun nggak pernah main solder di pcb. yang pastinya blog ini manfaat bagi siapapun yauww
BalasHapusthanks om ts skemanya...
Makasih info rangkaian sirine dan lampunya, akan lebih asyik dan kenceng bunyinya kalau ditambah TOA sebagai output suaranya
BalasHapusMantap gan .saya coba
BalasHapusMantap gan .saya coba
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapussalam sukses bagus artikelnya lanjutkan
BalasHapussalam sukses bagus artikelnya lanjutkan